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Who We Are

About Us

About Us

Wyoming Community Service Providers (WCSP), formerly Regional Service Providers, began as local grassroot efforts organized by concerned citizens, providers, and parents of children with developmental disabilities. Ark Regional Services is our oldest associate, and started providing services in 1963. These programs all had humble beginnings, with funding generated by bake sales, car washes, raffles, and an occasional grant. Most of them opened their doors at first to only four or five individuals.

Persons involved in creating these programs worked diligently for a number of years to gain formal recognition of and funding for services needed by persons with developmental disabilities. In 1979, the Wyoming legislature responded to the demands of its citizens by passing the Community Human Services Act, W.S. 35-1-612. It specifically states, "The purpose and intent of this Act is to establish, maintain, and promote the development of a comprehensive range of services in communities of the state to provide prevention of, and treatment for individuals affected by mental illness, substances abuse, or developmental disabilities..."

The Act further created community boards of directors to plan for, review, and evaluate human service programs operating within their jurisdiction. To this day, all WCSP organizations are still governed by volunteer boards of directors made up of community leaders who represent broad and diverse interests. Our boards also include persons with disabilities and their family members. The not for profit structure of these corporations is inherent in insuring funds and other assets are utilized strictly to the benefit of the people served.

Our Members

  • Diversified Services Inc.
    Diversified Services Inc.
  • I-REACH 2, Inc.
    I-REACH 2, Inc.
  • Nowcap Services
    Nowcap Services
  • ARK
  • CES
  • LSR
  • Overture
  • MCE
  • MRSI
  • Easterseals Wyoming
    Easterseals Wyoming
  • Arc of Natrona County
    Arc of Natrona County
  • Bighorn Enterprises
    Bighorn Enterprises
  • Bridges of Wyoming
    Bridges of Wyoming
  • Align Services
    Align Services